Cryptome DVDs are offered by Cryptome. Donate $25 for two DVDs of the Cryptome 12-years collection of 46,000 files from June 1996 to June 2008 (~6.7 GB). Click Paypal or mail check/MO made out to John Young, 251 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024. The collection includes all files of,,, and, and 23,000 (updated) pages of counter-intelligence dossiers declassified by the US Army Information and Security Command, dating from 1945 to 1985.The DVDs will be sent anywhere worldwide without extra cost.


8 May 1998

High-performance Computing, National Security Applications, and
Export Control Policy at the Close of the 20th Century

Table of Contents


APPENDIX B. People and Organizations

The authors are grateful to the following people for providing information and commentary and/or reviewing draft versions of the report. Their participation does not necessarily imply endorsement of this study or its findings.


CenterPoint Ventures              Steven J. Wallach

Digital Equipment Corporation     Donald R. Ames, Michael Dennis,
                                  Keith Melchers, Robert Rarog

Hewlett-Packard Corp.             Constantine Anifantis, Rajiv Gupta

Hewlett-Packard/Convex Division   Lana Yeager

IBM                               Henry R. Brandt, Timothy M.
                                  DiVincenzo, Ray DuPont, Jim
                                  Jardine, Mary J. Toups

Intel Corporation                 Roger A. Golliver, David W. Rose

Motorola                          Gregory B. Smith

NCR Corporation                   Gerald Matthews

Nichols Research                  Fletcher Kurtz, James A. Newhouse

SGI/Cray Research Division        William N. Bartolone, Alan Benfell,
                                  David D. Blaskovich, Vito
                                  Bonglorno, Jr., Jeff Brooks, Paul
                                  Ciernia, Lynne Mullane, Kathy
                                  Nottingham, Carol Woronow

213 Silicon Graphics. Inc. Kenneth P. Jacobsen John R. Mashey, Ed Reidenbach, David W Rolston, Ann Scott, Timothy J. Sherbak, Ross A. Towle Sun Microsystems, Inc. Hans Luemers, Sharon Maule, Lisa Quock, William C. van Loo, Patrick Wang Academia: Arctic Region Supercomputing Center Frank Williams California Institute of Technology Dan Davis Center for Analysis and Kelvin K. Droegemeier Prediction of Storms and School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma Mississippi State University Joe F. Thompson, J. Don Trolter Ohio Supercomputer Center Dana E. Hoffman University of Colorado at Boulder Bernard Udis Department of Commerce: Bureau of Export Administration Ian Baird, Sue E. Eckert, Tanya Hodge Mottley, James A. Lewis, John E. McPhee. William Reinsch
214 Department of Defense: DoD High Performance Computing F Brett Berlin, Larry Davis, Roger Modernization Office S Foster, Jeff Highland. Kay Howell Defense Advanced Research Howard Frank Projects Agency Defense Technology Security Steve Boyce, Paul Koenig, Oksana Administration Nesterczuk, Patrick T. Smith, David Tarbell The MITRE Corp. Richard A. Games National Security Agency George R. Cotter, Joe Davis, Tom Glenon, Norman S. Glick, A. Ray Miller. Erica Science Office of the Secretary of Mitchel B. Wallerstein Defense Department of the Army: Army HPC Research Center Paul C. Muzio, Tayfun E. Tezduyar Army Research Laboratory-Aberdeen John L. Cole, Carol Ellis, Chuck Proving Ground Kennedy, Kent D. Kimsey, Dan Pressel, Tony Pressley, Bob Reschly, Betsy Rice, Stephen Schraml Edgewood Research, Development Miles C. Miller and Engineering Center U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jimmy Balsara, Jeff Holland, David Waterways Experiment Station Horner, James Houston, Robert Jensen, Louis H. Turcotte
215 Department of the Navy: Fleet Numerical METOC Center Leo C. Clarke, William (Kim) Curry, Jeanne Frew. Randy Nottenkamper, Robert J. Plante Naval Oceanographic Office Alan Wallcraft Naval Oceanographic Office DOD Terry Blanchard MSRC Naval Postgraduate School Russell L. Elsberry, Art Schoenstadt, Albert J. Semtner, Jr. Naval Research Laboratory Jay P. Boris, Mark Emery, Ravi Ramamurti, William C. Sandberg Naval Research Laboratory - Tom Rosemond Monterey Naval Research Laboratory - SSC Margo Frommeyer Naval Sea Systems Command Patrick Fell Naval Surface Warfare Center Gordon Everstine, Fred Fisch, Carderock Division Joseph Gorski, Myles M. Hurwitz, William B. Morgan Naval Surface Warfare Center Robert Bevan, Wayne Chepren, Dahlgren Division John R Cogar, Bruce Copeland, Patrick Fell, Robert D. Harrison, Jr., Frank Maillie, David Millner, Ted Shelkey, Joe Veno, Charles H.
216 Washington Naval Undersea Warfare Center Stephen A. Schneller Space and Naval Warfare Systems Kevin Boner, Robert Dukelow, Center David Fusco, Ron Hidinger, Steven Murray, Lynn Parnell, Robert Pritchard, George Seymour Department of the Air Force: Air Force Institute of Technology Gary B. Lamont Wright Patterson AFB John Blair, Jeff E. Graham, Ruth Pachter, Joseph Shang Department of Energy: Trisha Dedik, Normann H. Kreisman, Robin Staffin, Gil Weigand, Anatoli Welihozkiy Lawrence Berkeley National William Kramer, Horst Simon Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Paul S. Brown, Gerald L. Goudreau, Laboratory Carol G. Hoover, Charles F. McMillan, Dale Nielsen, Jr., David Nowak, Stan Trost Los Alamos National Laboratory Thomas Adams, Adolfy Hoisie, Richard A. Krajcik, Olaf M. Lubeck, Arvid S. Lundy, Alex L. Marusak, William H. Reid, John Vandenneboom, Harvey Wasserman Sandia National Laboratories William J. Camp, Eugene Hertel, James S. Peery, Paul Yarrington
217 Department of State Robert Garel, Oliver John Arms Control and Disarmament Christian Westermann Agency Other U.S. Government: Central Intelligence Agency Luisa M. Colon, Thomas Hall, Robert Sorensen NASA Ames Research Center Dennis Jesperson, Nateri Madaran, Subhash Saini National Center for Misha Rancic Environmental Protection National Coordination Office for John C. Toole Computing, Information and Communications National HPCC Council John Miguel National Security Council Gary Samore, Maureen Tucker President's Commission on James H. Kurtz Critical Infrastructure Protection

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